Celebrating Kevin

happy kevin Kevin came into my life when I was 9. We went to the same church. He was a friend of my brother, Dan. Kevin was always kind to me. He didn’t mind if I tagged along fishing at the creek.

Dan did.

We both can recall the time I helped him dig for worms in our back yard. I felt quite sorry for him, thinking he didn’t know where to find the big worms in our yard, and so I showed him. And helped him dig them up.

Back then your friends came home after Sunday morning church to spend the day with you and then back again to church that night. The afternoons were spent outside exploring and playing. I always liked when Kevin came over.

Some years later they gave a home to one of my cat’s kittens. From then on out we always had a reason to talk at church.

And even more years brought us together, for good.

I don’t rightly remember seeking to date someone who I thought would be a good dad, or an excellent provider or someone who would love and respect my parents. That’s not how my brain worked at 15.

What does one seek at that age? A cute guy that makes you laugh, a friend, a Christian, all important things to be sure. But to choose your mate for life at an early age… I didn’t realize then the magnitude of it and so grateful that God guided me and us, that we were raised to let Him do so.kevin at sunset

And so here we are, we’ve been together the majority of our lives.

Kevin and I.kevin and i

We’ve raised two boys, owned a dog and survived and thrived through many things. Today, when I think of Kevin turning 50, I think when did THIS happen? How did it go from saying “last year”, to saying “20 years ago”? But it’s here.

Kevin is 50 today.

Celebrating Kevin today, the man and the boy who lives inside. life guard kevin

Kevin’s laughter brings joy to our house, his way with people draw friends easily but few truly know him. Our family comes first. He treats us all with gentle ways. (Unless otherwise required.) He is very purposeful in all that he does. Motivated, driven and never settles for less. kevin and the boys

He is great at keeping it real. The boys have nicknamed his talks with them as “Pep talks by Kevin Deasy”.

Caregiver, worker, playful and prayerful and friend, Kevin gives. He is loyal and committed.

And wise.

I am blessed everyday by his love and laughter and character.the hug

Celebrating 50 Years!

Love to you. Kate


23 thoughts on “Celebrating Kevin

  1. This of course made me tear up! You can look back and see love, happiness, laughter, two handsome sons and a dog that likes to eat! I get excited when I see your posts! This one tops them all. Happy Birthday to Kevin. May he enjoy many more happy, healthy ones. Love you!

  2. Lara Katey, I love what you had to say about my favorite son in law!! It is true, he has been a happy part of our family almost forever. He was there when we were turning 50!! and that seems like just a year or two ago, but, of course, isn’t! He is exactly who we would have picked for you, had it been our choice. He is perfect for you…i love watching the two of you together…laughing and enjoying life in general. and your sons..who could ask for better grandsons?? You both have wisdom, tons of friends, a closeness to God, a respect for life and good taste!! Mike and I both love ya’ll dearly and always look forward to our times together. Happy birthday, Kevin. You’ve made our daughter very happy for years and years. May God continue to bless you in the years to come. Love, Mom aka Geece

    • Thank you mom! Yes I remember you guys both turning 50. I had a dinner for you in our first “real” home. Special memories. Thank you for being a wonderful mom. A blessing to me every minute. Love to you. KT

  3. Katey, the love just shines from your post! You are truly blessed by your choices in life, and also by something that you had no control over–being born to the parents you have. Your whole family exemplifies love and all the Christian virtues I can think of! So glad to number you among my friends!

    • Jeri, You are so true. Decisions made ripple your whole life. Thankful for parents that help make some of those decisions! Blessings to you this year. Katey

  4. Happy Birthday to Kevin, & many more blessings to you both & your families. Thanks for sharing this very special, loving post.

  5. Awe, I teared up, thinking of all the wonderful years you’ve had, and that I remember you dating! It doesn’t seem so long ago! You’ve made it look easy to be happily married, and we all know it’s hard work! Best wishes, Kevin, on your birthday and for making good life choices!

    • Jan, thank you! I know what you mean, I’m seeing it in my children and their friends now and it brings back so many memories. Yes marriage is hard work and so is raising boys! I don’t know how people make it without God and believing families. Katey

  6. How Sweet! What a nice way to honor your husband and the family you all have created with the support and love of your parents and friends! You know I love you two and your boys!! May God continue to bless your family in more ways than you can imagine! Happy 50th Kevin!

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