September Box 2017

I grew up in a family of traditions. It’s always been that way. From the wee days of living in Hattiesburg, we would guess the temperature at the gas station on the way to church. I can remember Deddy rolling down the window to feel the air before his guess.  All the way to mom playing nutcracker on the record player before we could come downstairs to see what Santa left us. Then other traditions are better not shared because it involves the guys exchanging gifts. But this particular gift giving is between mom and I (or me and mom they both sound correct to me).

While some traditions are not planned or are years in the making, this newer tradition of September Boxes has become one of my favorites. It started here. And we are on our seventh year.

Sharing here another wonderful year of September Boxes….

Mother of Mine.

Is this not the perfect tin for mom. I found it on etsy, while not even looking and it arrived the day before we exchanged, it quickly replaced the one I had already, which will wait for next year.

A peek inside.

We learned to cover buttons and embroider on them in Jessie Chorley’s workshop so I made one for mom. A friend Frankie, taught us to make bullion roses so I added one (a tad poorly) but still sweet. 

Truth be told, I thought we were studying Psalms 138 in our bible study that day and thought it would be really neat to have a verse to remind mom of this study on the exact day of our exchange but we ACTUALLY studied 139. (this is so something my mom would do which makes it even more funny)

But Psalms 138:4, is a beautiful verse and we need to be reminded to call on Him. 

And a sweet heart made by Julie Collings. I bought this in February in anticipation of September.

A bracelet I made for mom to match her new dress for THE wedding coming up.

I included several vintage linens with tea related items embroidered on them.

I didn’t do so well at photographing mom’s things before I wrapped them. They included Liberty of London paper napkins and small cupcake liners, little silver Christmas tree picks, color your own secret garden postcards, and copper leaves. I also made her a pin cushion in a white ceramic three bowl dish using Liberty fabric and crushed walnut shells complete with little sewing supplies. You are right! It didn’t all fit in the tin. 

It has never all fit in the tin. Mom throughly enjoyed her tin and it was great joy to watch her open all the goodies. Mom commented that watching and opening were equally as fun!

Now for my box. Whew. It is amazing.

Mom did exceedingly well this year in MY box! Lots of little goodies from our flea market day in England. I guess I need to take her to England every year!!

The tiniest little needles are in these packages! And mom made the sweet little scissor case with a trim off an old necklace of hers. So dear.

Most of these sewing things she bought from a booth that I TOO was shopping in. I did think, what is she buying???, but I never thought of it again. Mom told me the vendor said 14 pounds and she gave him 40. Such a kind vendor not take advantage of her.

This adorable pin cushion made by hand by Angele Carter. Mom spotted her on instagram, fabricandink. She also has an etsy shop here. Isn’t it the best! Those tiny details. Adorable! Mom bought her one with yellow roses. It’s a great size.

And if that wasn’t enough, the next package were these amazing mushrooms from Julie Colllings. What a treat!! I’ve oohed and ached (auto corrected my ahhhed but ached works too) over them and now I have not one but three. They are so much smaller and more dear than I imagined them to be. So beautiful.

Did anyone notice that mom and I both bought something from Julie Collings. I’ve bought from her etsy shop (even for previous September Boxes) and followed her blog for years but now she’s inspiring up on instagram too. Incredibly talented and everything is wrapped up and presented so beautifully. That is half the gift! You can find her here. 

Another stunning present rolled up in tissue was this gorgeous embroidery piece. I saw it with Deddy on the World’s Longest Yard-sale from a vendor we usually buy from. I saw the price and admired it and moved on. I think I even took a picture. Too expensive. Deddy picked it up and said I’ll get it for you for Christmas. I told him he didn’t have to do that, it’s too expensive. But he insisted and I said well just don’t pay full price! I mean he did insist! Deddy is a good haggler so I’m sure he got a good price. Isn’t it a delightful piece. AND I don’t have to wait till Christmas. Thanks Deddy! And I love that mom left the price on it.

Another little England purchase. I saw this sling in the sweetest shop in England. Mom bought two of them and I assumed they were for my nieces. Tickled pink one of them was for me. How did she know I wanted it!! The other side the eyes are closed. Another stunner in this box of surprises. 

If you know my mother, you couldn’t imagine that she actually wrapped these threads around these skeins and organized them by color. But she did!!! A friend gave her a bunch of unused floss and mom organized them for me. She is just full of surprises. What a gift!

Deddy helped her wrap one and she took a picture of him doing so. This makes me just so happy!! Love love, love my parents! 

I’ve been blessed. Let me count the ways!

It’s easy to see why this tradition is one of our favorites. I hope this inspires you to start a new tradition with someone you love. It’s never too late.


