50 Years Together

In June, my parents celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary. Aren’t they a smart looking couple, my dad with his flat top and my mom with her heels together and her tiny waist. They were married in Longview Texas at the church and the reception was in her home. A small two bed room house built by her dad and his brothers just before the war.

All great love stories have a good beginning …. at the Malt Shop, on Thanksgiving, the girls were sitting on the cars talking. My mom was in the 10th grade. My dad was in the 12th grade. My dad was hanging out with his friend. His friend had a date that night but didn’t have a car so wanted my dad to get a date so he could drive. My dad said, “I will ask out the next girl I see.” He saw my mom and asked her out. My mom said yes. She had to get permission but she didn’t tell him that! The friend’s date backed out so my parents had their first date alone! Talking to my mom this morning, she said they knew of each other because their friends ran in the same circles going to parties together and the 12th graders were always asking out the 10th graders. Funny!!!

In celebration of their anniversary this past spring break we rented a house in Seagrove Beach, Florida and spent the week together. This is our first time in this area. We were really close to the famed Seaside. I really enjoyed seeing it and taking pictures.The whole area is really nice, in all directions. There are so many State Parks so lots of nature.

We had a wonderful week together, walking on the beach, cooking and eating our meals together, sitting by the pool and coffee on the porch and laughing. We laughed a lot.  The highlight of the week was gathering around the pool and witnessing Kasey, my niece being baptized by my brother, Dan. It was truly a blessing. 

To also celebrate, we hired a professional photographer to take family pictures on the beach. We used the talented Kansas Pitts. She takes amazing pictures and is really fun! The pictures turned out awesome!  (Maybe it was the threatening speech I gave Kevin, Drew and Chad before the pictures to behave).

The grandkids with Mom and Dad

To Mom and Deddy, thank you for your love and your kind spirit you have so freely given to me and so many over the years. You have blessed many and it goes beyond words.

I want to thank you for the home that I was raised in, the love that was given, the happiness that was always present, the fun that we always had… and still do. Thank you for loving each other. Thank you for choosing for better, for worse and sticking by those words. Your life and love have touched many people and I am witness to it. I am witness to it within my own household. You both are amazing people. You both are loving and are loved. Your home is warm and welcoming, your hearts are open and trusting. You give and give and still you give. You both are a beautiful Christian example to many. I love you.




7 thoughts on “50 Years Together

  1. so glad to see this special post. love what you wrote about your parents, and the pictures you included. Seeing their wedding photo (such a beautiful bride and handsome groom) brings back some special memories of your mom & dad, and I always smile when I see the one of you all on the beach, mid-jump. jerry

  2. Dear Katey, you are such a wonderful daughter of your wonderful parents! Thank you for publishing their wedding picture. I always wondered what your Mom and Dad looked like when they were young. They were and are a very beautiful couple and very beautiful people both from outside and inside. Pass my congratulations to them and give them my love, hugs and kisses. Natasha

    • Natasha, I am happy to see that you found my blog. Thank you for reading and for your comment. I hope you are having a wonderful summer at your dacha. I will give my parents your love. Miss you. Katey

  3. you look SO MUCH LIKE YOUR MOTHER!!! i saw it the second i looked at that first photo, of their wedding. a beautiful era, with two beautiful people who love one another. i look forward to meeting them one of these days.
    i grew up going to seagrove. it makes me so sad to see the changes that have tranformed that place – it used to be so so so quiet – nothing there but a handful of houses and one little motel, right next to the bluff. we always stayed in the unit that was right on the bluff- and back then, the windows would open, to the most wonderful breeze and sound of the waves. i grew up with no air conditioning, so we were used to the heat – but appreciated the breeze and the overhead fans. then when my boys were growing up, i’d take them down to seagrove and we’d ride our bikes all down back dirt roads over to seaside. that seems like a lifetime ago….
    sending love – xxx

    • Thank you Nina for sharing your memories. I love the image.

      Yes, I do look like my mother and sadly as I have begun carrying “readers” around I feel like her now! :) Looking forward to you meeting my mom and my Deddy.

      Thank you for reading and commenting on my blog. It means more to me than I can say. Katey

  4. Hi Katey,
    My name is Jane and I’m with Dwellable.
    I was looking for blog posts about Seagrove Beach to share on our site and I came across your post…If you’re open to it, shoot me an email at jane(at)dwellable(dot)com.
    Hope to hear from you :)

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