Beauty Within


It’s easy to be beautiful when the sky is blue and the sun is shining on you. groupand when you are surrounded by beauty.pinkmagnoliacollage

clusterand not singled out…..

But are we beautiful when things are gray fogand not going our way…rain drops or alonerain or worse. rain drop

Do we weather our storms with grace and inner light?lighteven when no one is watching….  single

especially when no one is

This pink magnolia tree faithfully blooms every spring and is just beautiful. I walk out to it camera in tow many times a season and it’s always beautiful. Without fail. Regardless.

Not just on blue days but in the rain and fog too.

If only we could be like that too. That would be awesome.beautiful flowersipeterI struggle to… to hear my inner voice reminding me to be gentle and have a quiet spirit when my surroundings don’t want me to… but days like today it’s easier to hear it and listen to the beauty spoken around me.

Thank you for listening to the thoughts that have been tumbling around in my head.



14 thoughts on “Beauty Within

  1. deddy All the fall also bring the crunch and wonderful taste of Sue cookies with the fresh brewed coffee on said:

    What a beautiful mind

  2. Katey, God has truly blessed you with words to encourage us all, especially me! Thank you and keep the thoughts coming. Glenna

  3. Always enjoy your posts so much. neighbor has a pink magnolia on my side of their house that I enjoy more than they do ( they don’t have the view of it that I do). I always look forward to seeing it in bloom. your thoughts & verse are good reminders to carry God in our hearts & to be the best we can be – whatever the “weather” in our lives.

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