Buttercup Field

flint river view Some days hubby and I will meet down at the river and go for a short boat ride after work. It’s especially welcoming after a stressful day, to get out on the water and ride in peace taking in the calmness, watching the turtles sun themselves, a crane step lightly on the shore or the sun tuck behind a floating cloud.

We had such a meeting as this on Thursday. I slipped out of the house and down to the river at 4:30. It was a glorious afternoon. We rode down to where the Flint River joins the Tennessee River and rode up the Flint a short ways. I felt my beat quicken when I saw the field of flowers. Kevin maneuvered the boat so that I could get some pictures but I wanted to be IN the field.yummy yellowDSC_0067

He got me close enough to step on shore and I walked into the middle of the field of wild buttercups. Not the buttercups we normally think of but the wildflower. There were millions and I was content just standing in the middle. When the sun rays touched the field it was as though the flowers were plugged in with their glossy coats.the haze the field overhead closeup yellow tall oneDSC_0067

Beauty found on the bank of the Flint. A gift waiting and I there to receive.

Lucky me.




19 thoughts on “Buttercup Field

    • Rosemary, to stand in the middle of the flowers was a happy feeling. I couldn’t help but smile at the good fortune in time. Thank you for reading. Katey

  1. A wonderful soul-soothing tradition. Everyone should have one. A good way to get to basics – the blessings in our world! It has been years since I’ve been on a boat ride. This was a nice reminder of the tranquility imparted. (Makes me want to go again.) Thank you for sharing.

    • Jerry, yes the boat ride brings the heart rate down and soothes our spirit. It’s our first ride this year because of the water levels being low but not our last. Katey

  2. absolutely beautiful. I am loving getting to “know you” through your words and photos:) pretty sure we would have been besties in another world.

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  3. well Katey you live in a glorious part of the country. At first I thought, is that mustard?
    Never have seen a field that big with wild yellow buttercups. And a boat ride after work; there’s some heaven for you.

    • Julie, I too thought it was mustard because there was so much surely it was planted! There was a little narrow trail that followed the river through the flowers. I wonder what animals travel that trail. It was a beautiful find. Katey

  4. Breath taking! And you shared it. Thank you! Wonder what awaits us in the Garden of Eden! Sure this is but a foretaste and I don’t want to miss it! Love you for sharing!

    • I never knew the name either until recently. I bet they will be in your pasture soon. Thank you for reading. I have loved your pictures of lily & lavender. Katey

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