Wooded Path


I found this beautiful poem and wanted to share it with you along with some of my pictures from adventures over the last month. There is beauty to be found in this stark cold winter. There are reminders of God’s promises in the simplest of findings. poem

I find myself following the wooden path a lot during the winter months. Fewer evils lurk like poison ivy or snakes. (I think ticks live year around!!) I feel the need to get out of the stifling house sometimes and feel the cold air inside me. I always am glad I have.

A treasure awaits me. Sometimes, it’s my lifted spirits or a hot cup of coffee to warm up but mostly it’s gifts found in nature. pineconeheart hawk feather

I frequently walk the trails behind our house but once a week meet up with my geocaching friends to explore and it always ends up leading to a wooded trail or road. Kevin likes to get out on the weekends too so we try to find beautiful places to visit.backriverbackwater barn

This month we encircled a whole mountain in Guntersville State Park. It was freezing but we found beauty in the icicles, views of the lake, and in each others friendship. We’ve found an abandoned church building, wooden crosses, an awesome coffee-house in Tullahoma and a field of friendly donkeys. Jerusalem donkeys church windowbig tree beaver tree

I’ve spent much time in the woods this winter and I, like anytime I’m in nature, I feel closer to God. I hope February brings us all closer to Him.



5 thoughts on “Wooded Path

  1. Always enjoy your post, get excited to see what is next. Some bring laughter, others tears! What an amazing insight you have and thanks for sharing! God Bless You.

  2. what beauty you have, see, express, and share with us. like gay lynn said, thank you for taking me along the Wooded Path with you. love you so…mom

  3. I love your insights on things! I always feel closer to the Lord when I am outside in nature, or just working in the yard. Mom (Jo Hicks) shared this with me.
    God Bless!
    Karen Voss

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