Turquoise Table

Last November, I was walking through Tuesday Morning and saw a really cute basket. I loved the bright-colored fabric wrapped around the wire frame. They had several and I picked an oval one and stuck it in my cart. A few weeks later, I bought another to take t bunco for our Christmas Dirty Santa.

I came home with the basket. I wondered, how can someone NOT steal this from me!! It’s so cute! But actually, I was completely fine with having two of these baskets.

Completely fine.

I had a plan for one of them.


I knew a little something about it that they didn’t know….

After I bought the first one, I noticed the label on the tag said “Turquoise Table”. The name was catchy.  I really liked the basket and thought I might could find some more items for sale by “Turquoise Table”. I had never heard of it before, so I googled it.

I love to find out a little something unexpected, a little back story or history or bonus. This was ALL THAT rolled up in one.

I learned just what the Turquoise Table was all about….I don’t think I can tell the story as well as this video…..

Isn’t the Turquoise Table the sweetest idea and story.

Becoming front yard people!!

I thought about it for days after…. okay months. This story isn’t going to end with me having a table in my front yard. In fact, I wanted to blog about it back then but what am I going to say…. hey, this is a great idea but no, I’m not doing it. So I didn’t.

Some months ago, when I was driving to the grocery story, across the street, I saw a turquoise table in the front yard of a church! I was so excited. I pointed and yelled,  “They have a turquoise table”. I was the only one in the car.

Again I thought on it….I decided, I don’t have a turquoise table but I can use theirs! And so I did. I invited two friends that I met each in unique ways and I made us a picnic and we fellowshiped together at this table. We celebrated a birthday, we prayed over our friendship and food. We talked and listened and loved. 

It felt perfectly natural to be sitting beside a busy road at a picnic table of a church I don’t attend. It was a perfect SPRING day in the middle of FEBRUARY and I know that wasn’t just happenstance.

I still don’t know what I’ll do with all this, but I couldn’t keep it to myself any longer.

What should I/we do with this??

