Beauty Hunting in Franklin


A few weeks ago, I spent a Friday on the Ten 10 Farm in Franklin Tennessee on a Beauty Hunt. A little retreat hosted by Linsey from LLH Designs, to share her love and knowledge of photography share God’s beauty on her farm. A group of 6 ladies gathered, not knowing each other nor Linsey, aside from reading her blog and spent the morning wandering around her farm taking photographs as Linsey taught us all about aperture.

Yeah, I didn’t know what it was either. guestsI found Linsey’s blog when she was about to move from Houston, Texas to a farm in Franklin, Tennessee. I could so do that. But it’s not much of a stretch for me. But from Texas it is.


We were welcomed into her home and greeted with Cinnamon Coffee and biscuits. We gathered up our cameras and headed out into the fog.

See the leaf on the duck-bill.

leaf on his nose Chickens are so hard to photograph!! They are so very fast. a still chicken the field This is their sweet dog, Buddy. I loved the kitty stalking behind him. stalking The day progressed into a beautiful sun filled work of art. frosty pumpkin This picture of the cockleburs brought back a flood of memories as we had them growing up and would always have to pull them out of our dog’s fur or off our socks or out of my hair.

Yes, I loved seeing them again. memories I look lots of pictures. Working on a technique new to me I had lots of pictures not turn out. I was disappointed but that is what learning is all about. But I had some that did turn out and that’s always good. the fieldsbark porchthe stackearly birdscurl early birdswood pilethe barnafternoon sky rosemary luckyTwo of these pictures I took with my iPhone. Can you tell which ones?

After we had spent several hours looking for beauty with our cameras, we were served lunch by Linsey’s sweet husband J.D. He had taken off Friday to do farm work AND cooked us up a very girlie lunch that was just delicious. Butternut squash soup, chicken salad with toasted almonds and honey, homemade humus, green salad with homegrown tomatoes. Lunch was a treat! We ate outside and enjoyed the lovely weather and even better company.

lunchI absolutely loved this day. From my foggy drive of solitude in the early morning hours filled with prayer and refection and witch poem writing (see last post) to hearing the sweet gentle prayers of Linsey as she thanked God for his beauty to spending hours walking around looking for unexpected beauty with new friends. It was a blessing to be able to go.

We can find beauty anywhere. Especially this time of year!  I hope you can take some special time and find it for yourself.  But if you want to find it with Linsey, her blog is LLH Design. She plans to have more of these Beauty Hunting retreats at her farm with different themes.

Have a great week.

PS. The spider web and four-leaf clover are the pictures I took with my iPhone. Could you tell??




