Dahlias at Baddesley Clinton

We recently returned from two weeks in England, and while loading the pictures from my Nikon, the first photos I was drawn to were these. amazingpinkpale pinkwaterdrop

The Dahlias at Baddesley Clinton’s garden were amazing. The variety and colors were unbelievable. We slowly walked the length of the bed twice. The little thatched hut at one end had the layout of the garden so one may identify their favorite. Also photos of the whole process from the beginning until they bloomed were shown.

Happy our visit was at peak season!

dahlia bed the beds Beyond the brick fence were sheep. sheepbeyond the bed

They really helped seal the deal on this being a favorite place. pink combDSC_0436 centerpiecepurple combThey are just so unique and interesting. Even Kevin was taking pictures. pinkdahlassingle yellowspikybeepeachLest you think Baddesley Clinton is just a garden…. it’s a medieval house with a moat around it and an interesting history of being the place that hid priests back in 1591. There were 3 hiding spots within the walls. ceiling and sewer system.clinton2 clintonwindow clintonenter clintonEach room was filled with fresh flowers in the fireplaces and on the tables. They had a room in “mourning” which was draped in black veils and a black wreath on the door and the mirrors and pictures were covered in black cloth and the pictures of the deceased were faced down. Interesting display.

The Ferrer Family lived here for 500 years and one of the last of this generation was an artist so her work and studio are on display. Quite an inspiring place to have a studio.

water dropletnot a dahlia but coolWe particularly liked this National Trust Property because it was welcoming, quaint and not overly crowded or touristy. It’s close to Warwick. Thankful to our b&b host who recommended it.

We had picnicked on the way but wished we had eaten at the cafe. It looked wonderful! We did have a cup of coffee and watched a duck sneak into the patio and get a few treats hand fed to him by an older man in a wheelchair. Quite sweet.

I look forward to sharing more from our trip over the coming weeks.


