Painting a Barn Quilt (for my momma)

Image 14Last summer I went to Wisconsin and among many wonderful blessings from this trip were the Barn Quilts I found in Green County. (Read about my adventure.) I LOVED them. My mom made me this fabulous wall hanging later in the summer to commemorate my adventure. Isn’t it fabulous!! One of them is actually a pattern from a barn that I found. They are quilt elusive and a challenge to find. (that is a typo but so funny I left it!! It is supposed to read they are quite elusive)

I had the thought sometime during the summer to paint one for mom for the workshop in their back yard. I remember telling Deddy about it while we were on the World’s Longest Yardsale adventure. We saw one while there on a log cabin and checked it out for size and such.

Her birthday is coming up, a storm was brewing for the day and so I headed to Home Depot early. The men there cut my plywood 3×3. Talked me out of the sealant I had in my buggy and I went with Rustoleum paints and also their clear coat for the sealant.

the project

I dragged all this in to the kitchen table since the storm is brewing closer now.

the pattern

Do you know how many stars there are in quilting?

I want to paint a Texas Star since momma and deddy are from Texas.

Is the lone star the same as the texas star? Or the Bethlehem Star? There is a Amish Star, Ohio and Wonky!! I found a website that boasted 33 star patterns but not one was called Texas Star. What’s a girl to do when she can’t call her expert quilter? Plus some websites contradicted each other! I found one that at least sounded half way reliable and had directions for making your own pattern with dental floss and a ruler and pencil so away I went. It was easy compared to Wonky!

chad helping

School let out early with the storms so Chad was home and helped put on three coats of paint on the red half diamonds. kevin helping

Kevin helped too. We visited over painting. Yes, paint was on my phone, my light switches, my arms and my table, but these are just memory spots now. morning light

Morning light as I painted and drank my coffee.

I loved it being in the house because I could add a coat and do something else. We would sit around it and paint and visit. coming togetherclear coat

Many coats of clear coats. On the back and sides too.finished

I painted “to mom love lkd” and dated the back.

It’s finished. delivery

My handy man was available for hanging so we drove across town unannounced at “nap time” Sunday afternoon to hang the quilt. My Deddy came out to see what was going on. And before long a sleepy momma came out too.the workshop

She loves it.

It will look wonderful when all their hydrangeas are blooming and the sky is blue. mom and i

When we drove away I looked down the driveway of my childhood home and could see the quilt on my deddy’s workshop and it looks so happy and so perfect. It will bring happiness to both my parents every time they come home.

Mom said she didn’t even mind doing the dishes anymore because she can look out the kitchen window.

Happy early Birthday Momma.

