Doors of England and the Dogs Who Wait at Them.

“Be an opener of doors”― Ralph Waldo Emerson

There is a powerful presence in an unlocked door. Welcoming. church door

Even these huge gothic doors, beckon you inside.hugedoor

We walked through many a church door. All, save two, were unlocked.  Isn’t that how it should be?

Several  churches, we were greeted by vergers (Annie taught me this word, caretaker of the church property) They welcomed us and told us a bit about the church.



England does doors right!

Their homes, businesses and even barns are adorned with flowers and vines, iron hinges and handles, warm worn lights.

doorsdoorsdoorknobshollyhocksAnd the paint colors!


Although we didn’t go through many private doors, we did stay in several B&B’s and we had the pleasure of feeling what is behind those doors. Charming, warm, and friendly.

Just as you would suppose.



And the people behind these doors, love their dogs! We enjoyed loving on a few of them along our way. And their kitties too.

She’s waiting for bits of toast from her mom clearing the breakfast dishes.
toastbits Puppies for sale. puppiesAnd Sue of course! She was always waiting on us with her red ball. sueWe were sitting outside our B&B and noticed Belle had been put up in the barn. Didn’t take her long to get brave enough. lab

And she joined our morning.


At this B&B, they had 4 dogs. 3 were labs one was in the spaniel family. The owner said she was the trouble maker. (Having a lab myself, I can’t imagine a dog more trouble than him but there you have it) As we were leaving, we glanced back and saw the little girl of the family had the dogs in the back yard and was having them sit, while our car was leaving. I got a shot of it, although it’s blurry, I’m sharing it. She’s helping the trouble maker sit! puppyschoolAdorable.

Special memories still floating around in my head.



7 thoughts on “Doors of England and the Dogs Who Wait at Them.

  1. Thank you for sharing your wonderful photos of your trip to England Katey! I wish we lived closer so you and I could sit down and talk about that and see all of your photos.

  2. Katey, love how you hone in on the charm & essence of places! Thank you so much for sharing your magical visit with me (with all of us I know, but it feels like it’s just for me!). I LOVE all of this

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