There is always a yard in each neighborhood that makes you slow down and look and admire, one that is loved, cared for and tended to regularly. We have a neighbor like that and yesterday I met them. Every year around this time their lace cap hydrangeas put on quite a show and I simply LOVE hydrangeas so I decided it was time to meet these neighbors!
As you can imagine anyone with a yard like this, well they are just wonderful people. I got a tour of the various types of lace caps that were blooming, an offer to dig up a new sprout to take home, and welcomed back anytime and then left with my camera to try to capture their beauty. How generous! The sun came in and out and it misted a little but I thought my pictures turned out so well that I wanted to share them with you. I so enjoyed strolling through their gardens with just the mist and the bees. I hope you enjoy!
Lord, our Lord,
how majestic is your name in all the earth! Psalms 8:1