Eden Garden State Park

Drew had not lived a week in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida, when I heard about this house.

Naturally on our first visit, we came directly to Eden State Park and toured the Wesley House and the beautiful gardens. The garden paths were lined with blooming camellias.

I walked around and back and forth among them. Trying to decide my favorite. I read a few of the names of the varieties. I watched the bees lose themselves in the petals. The house was built in 1897 and brought back from ruin in the 1960’s. It is so elegantly situated among the arms of ancient live oaks reaching out around it.

The park entrance is an honor system deposit of $4 a car and the tour $4 a person. (When the property was given to the State of Florida in the 60’s, one of the three conditions was to retain a nominal cost to tour the home so it would be available to all.) I highly recommend a visit….especially during early spring when the camellias are blooming or a bit later when the azaleas are blooming. 

But I believe any visit would be a good time to visit.

Thankful to Lois Maxon, who preserved, restored and donated this estate for us to enjoy.


Eden State Park and Wesley House

181 Eden Gardens Road
Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459
