The Made Bed

rosesI sat down to write-up a post about the gift of snow we received this week but my heart is pulling me elsewhere. Though it has been two months ago now, I’ve reflected on it many times. And today it’s fitting as it’s Chad’s birthday. He turns 19 today.

Late December, my dad was having some tests run at the hospital. I was having 16 girlfriends over for dinner, but I spent the day sitting with my mom in the waiting room. And visiting with my dad, lying in the hospital bed awaiting the tests. The delays extended into the afternoon and then even longer for the results. (good results)  I hurried home at last to prepare my house for my guests.

When I got home, Chad, home for Christmas break, had cleaned our entire house. He stood in the kitchen grinning. My heart was so touched by this labor of love. I wasn’t shocked by his kindness because he is this kind of guy. He is thoughtful and recognizes the needs of others.

But when I walked into our bedroom, our bed was made.

My throat closed up tightly. Tears stung my eyes.our bed

A gift so precious was shared with me that day. The gift of a son with a servant heart, doing for me.

The sheets hanging out from under the quilt, and the pillows a little wonky, but made in love by the hands and heart of my son.

I’m not a daily bed maker and the feeling of someone making your bed for you is humbling. I think of this every time I make my bed. roses

When I was 11 or 12, I surprised my parents by cleaning the house from top to bottom. I remember how quickly I worked so as to finish before they got home. I was so happy I had thought to do it, and even emptied the ashes out of the fireplace, but sadly I had an ulterior motive. I wanted to go to church camp but was told I couldn’t because of the cost. I thought cleaning their house would make a difference.

How different an experience becomes by doing because we love.

Instead of being motivated by selfish ambition or vanity, each of you should, in humility, be moved to treat one another as more important than yourself. Each of you should be concerned not only about your own interests, but about the interests of others as well. You should have the same attitude toward one another that Christ Jesus had, Philippians 2:3-5 (NET)

I remember visiting my mom when in college and I helped her unload the dishwasher. Without her asking. And she thanked me. I realized later than day, that I did so out of love.  A wish to do because I loved. I’m sure I had done before then out of love (gee I would hope so) but it was the first time I realized the why. A change had occurred.

Do because you love.


P.S. I did get to go to camp that year and every year afterwards.  A friend of my parents let me clean their house and they paid my camp fee of $75.
