I Corinthians 13

The past few years I have shared I Corinthians 13:4-8 in February on Instagram and Facebook, a little portion of the verse, each day and ending with Love never fails on Valentines Day. I have really enjoyed setting up little vignettes with these words but this year I wanted to do something different and decided to stitch the words.

I didn’t really have a plan and didn’t know where I was going to end up but I wanted to start and on a whim I grabbed up some old baby dresses I had in my stash and all the shades of red thread I had in my embroidery thread box (mom had given me years ago). And started stitching. I loved the process and how there was no real direction but that didn’t keep me from adding more stitches.

I started in November and it was some time before the project evolved into “pages” that I would make into a book. It was pleasing to see how each page turned out, each with their own little special touches. Annie was always in my lap and threads on my clothes. I didn’t work in any order. Some nights stitching words, another adding a backing, another embellishing.

It was a blessing to me to read and think and stitch on these words. I remember one night I found myself stitching words but not living them that particular day. It really turned my attitude around. I later confessed to Kevin the reason for my complete about face.

The words in this tender book are a gentle reminder of what love looks and feels like.

These words are simple.

Their impact unmeasurable.

Their blessings endless.

Have you ever thought about the order of the attributes here? Paul didn’t start out with Love Never Fails.

Think on that for a minute.

But only after love does not dishonor others, love is patient, love is kind, love protects, love keeps no record of wrongs….then love never fails.

How better we CAN love with His words in our heart.

Happy Valentines to you and those you love.

xo katey


16 thoughts on “I Corinthians 13

  1. this is so beautiful and tender and dear. you are a precious and treasured spirit, (with tremendous talent!), and i love you with all of my well-worn, threadbare, faded heart xox

  2. These words of Paul, penned so long ago from the heart and Spirit of God, still inspire and bless and always will. Thank you for sharing this with us, and for using the talents God has given you to also inspire us!

  3. How beautifully thought through and experienced and presented. I have always felt Katey’s love and seen it in action since she was a little girl. The last weeks I have received so much of her thoughtfulness and love while recovering from knee replacement surgery. She has shown patience, care, concern, and thoughtfulness, all with a gentle touch…making her work of her hands the product of that which lives in her heart. With deep love, mom

  4. Sweet Katie, whst a lovely treasure! I am always touched by your sweet spirit, and as always, you brought tears! What a beautiful keepsake! Love you! Jo hicks

    • Thank you Jo. I so enjoyed creating it and must say I was sad when it was finished but sharing it with everyone has been such a blessing. Hugs to you. katey

  5. This a such a beautiful gift in so many ways!!! ….to those you know, to those you love, to those you haven’t met, and especially to God. For in pondering on His word with each tiny teensy stitch, with each touch of the fabric, and “writing” it out in stitches you are making God present in your life (and living His word through your life!!) as well as others. I can just see tiny hands holding this book in the future, while tiny eyes learn to read and enjoy this artful, loving, book. I am so touched by your loving spirit sweet friend!! Happy Valentines Day!❤️❤️❤️ God is Love and I see Him in your spirit! xoxo

  6. Katey, I am always amazed at your loving work. The book is just precious like you. Thanks for sharing. I am impressed that you have-purposed so many things too.

  7. The amazing thing is how you began with pieces of all kinds of material, embroidery thread, buttons, all kinds of lace, and your amazing creativity. No pattern, nothing to go by, just the parts and pieces of what turned out to be “a work of art”. All this just happens as you sew, inspired by God’s Word. That is so incredible. You and your mother share this amazing skill. Thanks for sharing. ❤️❤️❤️

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