The Gift of Winter

morning viewSnow fall in Alabama is a gift of winter. We remember the big snow falls by years, 1988, 1993, 1996, 2011… We rarely get a big snow and lucky to get a dusting or two a winter. Morning lightWhen a snow comes along it’s worth stopping everything to enjoy, to become a kid again, to make snow cream, to run outside when it’s drifting down and to find your boots and crunch through the snow and make snow angels.underside

We had several inches of snow on Tuesday and then some icing and then 6 inches of snow Wednesday afternoon and night. I took pictures during all these wondrous changes as they were happening. Each beautiful in their own way. Most of the snow came Wednesday night so I set my alarm on Thursday morning to be sure and catch the morning light hitting our snowy world. morning light light on our barndogwoodBut my absolute favorites were the snow piled high on the frozen limbs with glistening droplets sparkling through the woods as the sun was reaching out to each one. snowing limbcrystalsI could not stop looking at the beauty of what had been given to us. snowing treesnowing morn

Even Annie knew something special was happening outside. annie

Before the snow started falling things had iced over. I captured beauty in ordinary things.

Pine needles. ice on pine

A weed. chandlierRose hips

rose hips Dogwood on treeI loved seeing where the deer had been by their steps in the snow and Jack running and acting like a puppy again.  And the beautiful blue, blue sky. IMG_4650jack snowing pin magnolia After our first snow. logsAnother thing about snow in Alabama, rarely does it last long, which is another great plus because just about the time I’m over the snow, it’s gone. This is good.

It just wasn’t gone soon enough for our sweet mailman. He got stuck in our driveway delivering our mail. Luckily our neighbor down the street was able to tow him out. He had to make two trips to his house after his first line broke. (Kevin was gone to work) mailman

We loved it while it was here and glad when it was gone. It will be some time before our patio looks like this again.

Thank you for reading and looking at all my snowy pictures.







13 thoughts on “The Gift of Winter

  1. Oh so beautiful. God making everything look clean and white! You live in such a beautiful part of our world, and I love to read what you say! May God bless you and family! Keep posting!

  2. I love ready your articles, Katy. You capture the beauty of creation that many of us don’t see. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Gorgeous! I relate to every bit of it. I, too, love the freshly fallen snow… the early morning beauty when the world is pristine – even the drab & ordinary becomes – as you said – magical… & late at night-the still, quiet, peacefulness of a glowing world is both breathtaking & tranquil. You’ve captured it all beautifully in pictures & words. Thank you so much for sharing your moments of reflection on the exquisite beauty of our world.

    • Jerry, You have had quite a bit of snow up there! The heaviest of the snow fall was around 10 or 11pm and we went out and stood in it. I took pictures but nothing could capture it. It was wonderful!! Something I will always remember. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Katey

    • It’s not nearly as cold as it looks when you are all bundled up and motivated by such beauty!!! It’s all in the right shoes and gloves. Thank you mom!

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