Salzburg Austria

I love landing in a foreign country. I can feel the excitement building inside me.  Every country has its own personality from the air. Germany looked like a patchwork quilt of greens out my window. The pastures looked like velvet and fog hung over the lakes and followed down the rivers in stripes of silver. We landed in Munich early.

We decided so long ago how we wanted to celebrate our 25th anniversary (now 26th) and then I poured over websites and travel books planning our route that when we finally found ourselves and our GPS in the little white Ford Fiesta on the autobahn, it just didn’t feel real!

We started our 2 week adventure in Salzburg. The day was beautiful, the temps were around 80+ The sky so blue. The grass so green. pick your ownBefore crossing the border into Austria we needed to buy a vignette. It is a road tax or toll sticker to put in your window. It allows you to drive on the motorways in Austria. They sell  them at gas stations near the border. Close to a gas station we came upon a little field of sunflowers and gladioli. I studied the arrangement and discovered it was a “pick your own” field with an honor system coin box. We saw these type fields many times during our journey in Austria. It was always sunflowers and gladioli. (maybe it’s just their season) Wouldn’t this be grand to have in your neighborhood.

pick your ownglads sunflowers


our first ice-cream

Highly recommend the strawberry!

outside our hotel window our hotelWe stayed at the Art Hotel Blaue Gans. It was right on the famous Getreidegasse Lane.  See the blue goose sign above that is our hotel. It is the oldest inn in Salzburg and so very chic. We had a hard time finding our hotel, and the parking was in the mountain, but it was a jewel when we did. I used reviews from trip advisor and to pick out our hotels. Happy with all our choices. Tickled pink with this one!hotel

Cool room (A/C too) The mural was painted over the table for breakfast. in our hotel

room view

View out our window. We were upgraded upon arrival. Always a plus especially after an international flight!! Getreidegasse lane

We didn’t have plans on what to do here. We debated going the tour route but decided we’d just explore on our own and we were quite successful. We picked up small map from the front desk and headed out the door.

outside a cemetery st. john's church signs

We wandered into the Salzburg Cathedral. It was majestic.

Salzburg Cathedral

Salzburger Dom Cathedral

Do you see the dove in the very top of the dome? salzburg cathedralSalzburg Cathedral

The a candle

We always light candles in the churches we visit and stand side by side and say a silent prayer for those on our hearts. The lighting of the candles is so foreign to what we do in our church at home but here it feels so right. A quiet time that we are grounded and focused and one. It’s beautiful. the candlesbeauty within

Our favorite thing we did was visit the Makartsteg Bridge. It a regular pedestrian bridge that crosses the Salzach River, but it’s covered in locks. Love locks. I first saw these in Moscow and Kazan 4 years ago. I was told that newlyweds place their lock on the bridge and throw the key into the river to symbolize unbreakable love. In Kazan we saw a metal tree “planted” by the river for the locks.  One day in Kazan as we passed, a bride and groom were leaving the tree.  I found a few miscellaneous keys on the ground under the tree and I brought them home as souvenirs and still have them. So when I read about Salzburg having this bridge we brought a lock from home.

We added our lock to the bridge.

We scratched our initials and date and 26 years and placed it by a large neat rustic lock and I threw the key into the river. ourlock

It was so awesome!! We went and visited it the next day.

I marked the coordinates of it with my GPS. (Yeah, I’m a nerd) So now you can find it too when you go visit. There was a geocache on the bridge that was hidden inside a lock!! It was crazy hard to find but it had a great hint on the outside. That is why I had my GPS,

There were so many and it was neat to look at the different ones and the dates and styles and see other couples lock theirs own. It’s really a sweet emblem that’s sure to make its way to the US.


We also visited the St. Sebastian Church and Cemetery, Mozart’s birthplace and home, the Hohensalzburg Fortress which overlooks the city, St. Peter and Cemetery, and the Collegiate Church. We picnicked overlooking the city at the Kapuziner Abbey and Church at a little picnic table. We had grabbed a sandwich from the market when heading out. This became our usual lunch agenda and we always came across a scenic picnic spot. Collegiate Church DSC_0075 Bee Hivestatueflowers madonna

The St. Peter Cemetery was just fascinating with the most unusual grave markers. I spent a long time wandering the rows. markerslovely flowerschurch marker marker marker

Everything is within walking distance in Salzburg so you can see a lot in a short amount of time. We ate delicious meals, our favorite at Zwettlers. We listened to street musicians, we bought a watercolor painting of the city from a Hungarian artist set up on the square.

We loved seeing Mozart’s violin he played as a child and some of his handwritten music and to stand in the room he was born and look out his windows. We loved hearing the bells chime at all hours of the day and night.  I loved having illy coffee each morning and finding a little cafe to have another cup in the afternoon sitting outside. from the fortress salzburgcollegechiming

Salzburg is a wonderful city to visit. So very charming, friendly. Everyone speaks English and very easy to explore.

Our next adventure was to Cesky Krumlov in the Czech Republic. I believe I will have to have 2 post to cover it! Thank you for reading.




10 thoughts on “Salzburg Austria

  1. Beautiful memories!! It brings back my visit to Salzburg as an 11yr old. My mother dragged 3 children under 12 to the bahnhoff in Nurnberg and we had our first experience riding a train (outside of city transit). We walked some of the same streets–visited some of the same sites as you and your husband!! So glad you shared! The pics are so lovely–makes me yearn to visit again!

  2. what a treasure…your memories of such a gorgeous city which you captured so beautifully with your insightful photography! just lovely. love, mom

    • You need to be in Dresden with him!!! We were there in 2002 & it’s amazing! What history!! It is located on a river too. I bet they have locks! Yes it was a trip of a lifetime!!

  3. Katey, your blog makes me really want to go there in three years when Mike and I celebrate our 25th. I always look forward to your posts. You have such a gift in journalism and your pictures are always amazing. So glad you knew about the bridge, and brought your own lock. You and Kevin are such an awesome example to others of a solid Christian marriage.

  4. Well, here I sat on porch with tear and a lump in my chest pouring over each beautiful picture and wondering is there really such a beautiful place! Loved the pictures, love your writings, love you and thanks for sharing. Amazing!

  5. Well I didn’t shed any tears but i did enjoy going with you on the trip…..through your lens. You express very well with words, the joy and excitement I have when Kevin and I travel and explore new places.

  6. Katey, we were in Salzburg this past July and just adored the city. The architecture, flowers, weather, open markets, and varied peoples were just intoxicating. Wonderful experience and enjoyed reliving it through your pictures :)

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