

Helen Keller. She had some wonderful quotes.

We should keep our face to the Son! and sunflower

On our way to Bankhead Forest last month we came upon a patch of sunflowers planted in a school yard. I practically screamed for Kevin to stop the car. We all piled out. It was a glorious 5 minutes of picture-taking before they drug me back to the car.

odd onethe sunflowersclose up


At the farmers market a couple of weeks ago the flower lady had sunflowers for $1.00/$1.50 a stem. They were so beautiful. As a friend commented, it looks like they are chatting at the market.

farmers marketI bought a few and brought them home to enjoy. FYI The flower lady said to put a little bleach in the water to make them last longer.

The boys noticed right away and said what’s up with the sunflowers. closeupBesides the huge sunflowers she had a variety of the smaller ones too.

sunflowercollagethe side

their view

Even the back is beautiful. I took this one around the yard looking through its eyes.

Having the large sunflowers in my kitchen were so cheerful, even as they started dying. Kevin asked me why I kept taking pictures of the dead flowers. spentdyingdying

This old crock we found on our property. It came from Marshall Pottery which ironically enough is just a town over from my parent’s hometown of Longview Texas. We went to Marshall Pottery when we visited my grandparents growing up. Small world.

Finally the smell of the nasty water drove the flowers out of the house. You thought zinnia water was bad, doesn’t hold a candle to this stuff!!

When I was looking through my pictures on my phone I came across this one. I took it at the farmers market by accident, but I think it’s awesome. Enjoy. Thank you for reading.



3 thoughts on “Sunflowers

  1. lovely…simply lovely!! I just went to krogers and bought 2 kinds for the table tonight. we are having henry and Kristie over to celebrate her birthday. they usually grow them. and you know the sunflower thing I made for her birthday!! they’re everywhere! they’re everywhere!! love mom. great photographer!!

  2. I love sunflowers, too, but have never had any in my yard….until this year! Evidently a bird must have dropped the seed into the garden, just to the edge where Johnny hadn’t mowed it down! It’s been a joy watching it stretch to the sky, and I cannot wait for seeds to come. Next year there will be some in my flower beds, if my plan comes together!

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